Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
ISSN: 1303 - 2968   
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
from September 2014
©Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2013) 12, 447 - 453

Research article
Landing Techniques in Beach Volleyball
Markus Tilp , Michael Rindler
Author Information
Institute of Sports Sciences, University of Graz, Graz, Austria

Markus Tilp
✉ Institute of Sports Sciences, University of Graz, Mozartgasse 14, A-8010 Graz, Austria
Publish Date
Received: 15-11-2012
Accepted: 24-04-2013
Published (online): 01-09-2013

The aims of the present study were to establish a detailed and representative record of landing techniques (two-, left-, and right-footed landings) in professional beach volleyball and compare the data with those of indoor volleyball. Beach volleyball data was retrieved from videos taken at FIVB World Tour tournaments. Landing techniques were compared in the different beach and indoor volleyball skills serve, set, attack, and block with regard to sex, playing technique, and court position. Significant differences were observed between men and women in landings following block actions (χ2(2) = 18.19, p < 0.01) but not following serve, set, and attack actions. Following blocking, men landed more often on one foot than women. Further differences in landings following serve and attack with regard to playing technique and position were mainly observed in men. The comparison with landing techniques in indoor volleyball revealed overall differences both in men (χ2(2) = 161.4, p < 0.01) and women (χ2(2) = 84.91, p < 0.01). Beach volleyball players land more often on both feet than indoor volleyball players. Besides the softer surface in beach volleyball, and therefore resulting lower loads, these results might be another reason for fewer injuries and overuse conditions compared to indoor volleyball.

Key words: Video analysis, gender differences, volleyball, injuries, overuse condition

           Key Points
  • About 1/3 of all jumping actions in beach volleyball result in a landing on one foot.
  • Especially following block situations men land on one foot more often than women.
  • Landing techniques are related to different techniques and positions.
  • Landings on one foot are less common in beach volleyball than indoor volleyball. This could be a reason for fewer injuries and overuse conditions.
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